Hands #17-21 - Baumstein Playing Every Hand

Nov 6, 2011

Hand # 17 – Jordane Ouin raises to 75,000 in the hijack and Scott Baumstein calls in the big blind. The flop is a broadway looking [Ks] [Qs] [Jh] and Baumstein check-calls a 150,000 Ouin bet. The turn [Ac] makes both players check before the dealer gives us the last card of [4d]. Baumstein checks to Ouin who bets 265,000 and Baumstein makes the calls.  Ouin turns over [Ah] [10d] and Baumstein shakes his head and shows the [Js] [3s]. Ouin flopped it!

Ouin – 2,385,000
Baumstein – 3,180,000

Hand #18 – Michel Konieczny raises to 70,000 in early position and Scott Baumstein  calls in the small blind. The flop is [Qc] [Js] [8d] and Konieczny wins the pot with an uncontested c-bet.

Hand #19 – Scott Baumstein raises to 80,000 on the button and Adrien Allain calls in the small blind. The big blind folds and both players share a flop of [Qd] [Jc] [10s] which they check. The turn is the [Qs] and Allain check-calls a 125,000 Baumstein bet. The river is the [Ks] and both players check. Baumstein wins the pot with [Qc] [2h] while Allain mucks.

Hand #20 – Baumstein raises to 70,000 from  the cutoff and Michel Konieczny moves all-in and Baumstein folds.

Hand #21 – Baumstein raises to 70,000 and Allain three-bets to 170,000 and Baumstein calls. The flop is [Qc] [Js] [3c] and a 205,00- Allain bet does the trick

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