Marvin Rettenmaier: Top Boy to Bottom Boy

Nov 4, 2011

Marvin Rettenmaier
Joining the action on a board reading [Kc][8d][5s], Rony Halimi checks to Marvin Rettenmaier who waits for close to a minute before betting 16,500. Halimi is not as patient as his German opponent and he quickly check-raises to 40,000. Rettenmaier asks to see Halimi’s stack (~110,000) and shortly afterwards he moves all in. Halimi snaps him off and Rettenmaier acknowledges he is beaten.

Rettenmaier: [9s][7d]
Halimi: [As][Ks]

The [Qs] on the turn and [3s] river were no help to Rettenmaier and he becomes one of the shortest stacks at the table, whilst Halimi now finds himself armed with 340,000 chips.

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