Joe Serock Doubles Thru Mark Sykes

Jan 31, 2013

5107 Joe Serock
Reigning WPT Player of the Year Joe Serock (pictured) min-raises under the gun to 60,000, Mark Sykes (in the big blind) asks how much Serock has in his stack — a total of 924,000. Sykes moves all in.

Serock quickly calls (well, as quickly as Serock does anything) with [JcJd], and Sykes turns over [9c9s]. Serock is a dominant favorite to double up here.

The board comes [AdQh6cJs9d], and Sykes rivers a set of nines, but it’s too little, too late, as Serock turned a set of jacks. Serock doubles up.

Joe Serock  –  924,000  (30 bb)
Mark Sykes  –  593,000  (19 bb)

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