Mike Shklover Eliminated in 24th Place ($14,933)

Jan 31, 2013

5089 Mike Shklover Eliminated by Jeremy Stein
Jeremy Stein (left) raises to 52,000 preflop from the cutoff and Mike Shklover (standing, right) reraises all in for more than 300,000 on the button. Stein calls and they flip over their cards:

Stein: [AhJh]
Shklover: [10h10c]

Board: [5d3d2sKsAd]

Shklover is eliminated on the hand in 24th place and Stein grows his stack to 1.6 million.

Jeremy Stein – 1,600,000 (66 bb)
Mike Shklover – Out in 24th Place ($14,933)

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