Mark Wahba Eliminated in 27th Place ($14,933)

Jan 31, 2013

Yung Hwang min-raises from the cutoff to 40,000, Mark Sykes calls from the button, and Mark Wahba moves all in from the big blind for 182,000. Hwang calls, and Sykes thinks for a while before he calls.

The flop comes [AhJc9h], Hwang checks, Sykes bets 250,000, and Hwang folds. 

Wahba shows [AcQs] for a pair of aces, but Sykes turns over [AdJs] for top two pair.

The turn is the [3h], the river is the [8d], and Sykes wins the pot with two pair to eliminate Wahba from the tournament.

Mark Sykes  –  1,400,000
Mark Wahba  –  Out in 27th Place ($14,933)

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