Hand #70: Jeremy Druckman Doubles Thru Andy Hwang

Feb 1, 2013

Andy Hwang min-raises under the gun to 300,000, Jeremy Druckman moves all in from the hijack for 2,780,000, and Hwang calls with [AdJs]. Druckman turns over [6d6s], and it’s a race situation.

The board comes [Qd8h3s8c4d], and the pocket sixes hold for Druckman to win the pot and double up in chips.

Seat 1.  Jeremy Druckman  –  5,905,000  (39 bb)
Seat 2.  Matthew Salsberg  –  1,575,000  (10 bb)
Seat 3.  Matt Haugen  –  8,020,000  (53 bb)
Seat 4.  James Anderson  –  5,955,000  (39 bb)
Seat 5.  Mike Gogliormella  –  2,640,000  (17 bb)
Seat 6.  Andy Hwang  –  7,045,000  (46 bb)

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