Hands #77-83: Final Seven Players

Sep 24, 2024

Hand #77: Daniel Murphy raises to 115,000 in the cutoff to win the blinds and big blind ante.

Hand #78: James Obst raises to 100,000, finding no resistance.

Hand #79: Yuanting Wang opens to 115,000 in the cutoff. Dillan Patel jams on the button and Travis Endersby in the small blind asks for a count. The shove is for 555,000 and Endersby folds, so does Wang.

Hand #80: Matthew Wakeman opens to 150,000 in the small blind, winning the pot.

Hand #81: A walk for Murphy.

Hand #82: Endersby raises and Obst defends from the big blind. They check to the Club 9Diamond 7Heart 4Spade 9Heart Q river on which Obst check-folds to a bet worth 170,000 by Endersby.

Hand #83: Murphy raises the button to 115,000. Obst three-bets to 380,000 in the small blind and takes down the pot.

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