Double Ups for Ben Richardson and Si-Hao Zhu

Sep 22, 2024

Ben Richardson flips for his last 90,000 with Heart QClub Q against the Diamond AHeart K of Andy Behniya. The board runs out Heart 9Club 7Diamond 3Spade QClub 10 and Richardson doubles with a set of queens.

One hand later, Si-Hao Zhu raises and two players call including Joseph Vinecombe on the button. Josh Barrett then three-bets to 110,000 out of the small blind and Zhu is the only caller.

On the Heart QDiamond 9Spade 7 flop, Barrett pushes all-in and Zhu calls for 296,000.

Si-Hao Zhu: Diamond QDiamond 8
Josh Barrett: Club ADiamond A

Zhu has outs and gets there on the Club 6Diamond 5 runout to leave Barrett stunned.

Seat 1. Afshin Behniya – 580,000 (58 bb)
Seat 2. Joseph Vinecombe – 900,000 (90 bb)
Seat 4. Joshua Barrett – 900,000 (90 bb)
Seat 5. Yuanting Wang – 360,000 (36 bb)
Seat 6. Oleg Ivanchenko – 800,000 (80 bb)
Seat 7. Si-Hao Zhu – 890,000 (89 bb)
Seat 8. Benjamin Richardson – 205,000 (21 bb)

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