Two Double Ups for Ben Karyar

Sep 21, 2024

Ben Karyar doubles through Martin Kozlov when his Diamond AClub K remains ahead on a board of Diamond 8Club 7Diamond 6Club QHeart 8.

He then calls all-in when Sherif Derias jams the Diamond KHeart QHeart 8Heart 2 turn and shows Club AHeart K, Derias has the Club JClub 10. The river is the Spade 5 and Karyar doubles for 16,700.

Peng Zhang then opens to 2,500 for Karyar and Derias to defend the blinds. Karyar bets the Diamond 7Club 6Diamond 4Heart 9 turn for 5,500 to win the pot as both fold. “Ace king again?” Zhang grins.

Ben Karyar – 55,000 (55 bb)
Peng Zhang – 90,000 (90 bb)
Sherif Derias – 48,000 (48 bb)
Martin Kozlov – 30,000 (30 bb)

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