Dan Stavila Doubles Through Justin Tsui

Sep 15, 2024

Justin Tsui raises to 12,000 in early position and gets called by Will Kassouf on the button and a short-stacked Dan Stavila in the small blind.

On the Spade KHeart 9Club 7 flop, Stavila moves his last 45,000 in and gets called by Tsui. Kassouf folds.

Dan Stavila: Heart KSpade J
Justin Tsui: Diamond QHeart Q

Stavila is ahead with his flopped top pair of kings and after the board completes Club 10Diamond 8, he more than doubles up.

Dan Savila – 138,000 (23 bb)
Justin Tsui – 189,000 (31 bb)
Will Kassouf – 86,000 (14 bb)

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