Hand #108: Leandro Dirlewanger Doubles Thru Alexis Tremblay

Sep 9, 2024

Leandro Dirlewanger
Photo:  Leandro Dirlewanger

HAND #108  –  Alexis Tremblay moves all in from the button for 5,875,000, and Leandro Dirlewanger waits for an exact count before he calls from the big blind with Spade KHeart J.

Tremblay turns over Diamond JHeart 10, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Club 8Club 2Diamond 2Heart 2Club 7, and Dirlewanger wins the pot with his king to double up in chips, knocking Tremblay down to less than a big blind.

Leandro Dirlewanger  –  11,800,000  (24 bb)
Alexis Tremblay  –  350,000  (<1 bb)

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