Hands #83-87: Final Four Players

Sep 9, 2024

Hand #83: Marc Sen opens to 900,000 on the button and wins the blinds.

Hand #84: Leandro Dirlewanger raises to 800,000 on the button, Alexis Tremblay jams out of the small blind to win the pot.

Hand #85: A walk for Sen.

Hand #86: Sen raises to 1,500,000 in the small blind and steals the big blind of Dirlewanger.

Hand #87: Sen raises the button to 900,000, Tremblay jams from the big blind and gets it through.

Seat 1. Marc Sen – 35,525,000 (89 bb)
Seat 3. Leandro Dirlewanger – 9,925,000 (25 bb)
Seat 5. Alexis Tremblay – 6,500,000 (16 bb)
Seat 7. Nico Frenn – 4,500,000 (11 bb)

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