Hand #46: Matej Michalek Eliminated in 6th Place (CHF42,500)

Sep 9, 2024

Matej Michalek

Hand #46:

Matej Michalek moves all-in for the second hand in a row, this time from the cutoff. Chip leader Leandro Dirlewanger calls on the button and the blinds fold.

Matej Michalek: Club AClub 3
Leandro Dirlewanger: Spade QClub Q

The suited ace only finds one trey on the Diamond JSpade 9Diamond 3Club KSpade J board and Michalek bows out in sixth place.

Leandro Dirlewanger – 37,000,000 (123 bb)
Matej Michalek – Eliminated in 6th Place (CHF 42,500)

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