Marcus Schilling Eliminated in 23rd Place by Sven Wildhaber

Sep 8, 2024

Marcus Schilling

In the last hand before the break, Marcus Schilling moves all in from the button for 855,000, and Sven Wildhaber calls from the big blind with Diamond 9Club 9, slightly covering Schilling with a stack of 880,000.

Schilling turns over Heart QSpade J, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Club ADiamond 7Heart 5Heart 2Spade A, and Wildhaber wins the pot with his pocket nines to eliminate Schilling in 23rd place.

Sven Wildhaber  –  1,825,000  (30 bb)
Marcus Schilling  –  Eliminated in 23rd Place  (CHF 10,100)

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