Phuong Nguyen Wins a Three-Way All-In to Reach 5.59 Million; Steven Cont Out 29th; Olkan Karatas Out 30th

Sep 8, 2024

Olkan Karatas moves all in from UTG+1 for 655,000, Phuong Nguyen calls from the hijack, and Steven Cont moves all in over the top from the small blind for 670,000. Nguyen calls, and all three players turn over their cards:

Phuong Nguyen:  Club ASpade K
Steven Cont:  Heart ADiamond K
Olkan Karatas:  Heart QHeart 10

The board comes Heart KSpade 5Spade 4Spade QSpade 6, and Nguyen rivers a spade flush with his king to win the entire pot, eliminating Cont in 29th place and Karatas in 30th place.

Phuong Nguyen  –  5,590,000  (112 bb)
Steven Cont  –  Eliminated in 29th Place  (CHF 8,500)
Olkan Karatas  –  Eliminated in 30th Place  (CHF 8,500)

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