Eric Blumer Eliminated in 37th Place by Sven Wildhaber

Sep 8, 2024

Eric Blumer calls the three-bet shove by Robin Roth in a duel button versus big blind to set up the following showdown.

Robin Roth: Heart AHeart 10
Eric Blumer: Diamond ADiamond J

The board runs out Club 9Diamond 7Diamond 6Spade 8Club 4 and Roth turns a straight to double for 750,000.

Robin Roth – 1,600,000 ( 32 bb)
Eric Blumer – 290,000 ( 6 bb)

Down to the last 290,000, Blumer jams and gets called by Sven Wildhaber.

Eric Blumer: Diamond AClub K
Sven Wildhaber: Club 5Heart 5

No help arrives on the X XQd9s2h10s9d] board and Blumer becomes the second casualty after the dinner break.

Sven Wildhaber – 1,350,000 ( 27 bb)
Eric Blumer – Eliminated in 37th Place (CHF 7,200)

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