Lucas Mannai Receives Some Unexpected Protection to Triple Up

Sep 8, 2024

Lucas Mannai moves all in from the hijack for 185,000, Christoph Dufhaus calls from the cutoff, and Augustin Ratiu calls from the big blind. Any further betting will create a side pot.

Both players check to the turn on a board of Heart JSpade 3Club 3Diamond 4, and Ratiu moves all in for 595,000 into a dry side pot. Dufhause quickly folds, and Ratiu takes his bet back.

Mannai turns over Spade ADiamond 8 (ace high), and he’s surprised to see he’s ahead of Ratiu’s Spade KClub Q (king high). Mannai needs to avoid a king or a queen on the river to stay alive.

The river card is the Heart 6, and Mannai wins the pot with his ace to double up in chips.

As he receives the pot, Mannai smiles and says, “Thank you. Thank you very much.”

Lucas Mannai  –  630,000  (13 bb)
Augustin Ratiu  –  595,000  (12 bb)

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