Philippe Wettstein Eliminated in Two Hands

Sep 7, 2024

Philippe Wettstein jams out of the small blind into the big blind of Erkan Karakas, who calls for the last 123,000 with Heart JDiamond J. Wettstein only has Diamond 10Diamond 5 and the Club 6Club 3Spade 2Spade 6Spade 7 board damages his stack.

Leandro Dirlewanger then raises to 25,000 and Milad Sheva calls. Wettstein jams for 54,000 and both bigger stacks call.

On the Club ASpade QHeart 2 flop, both check and the Club 8 follows on the turn. Dirlewanger bets 80,000 for Sheva to call and Dirlewanger asks to see the stack of his opponent before the Heart A river.

He then jams and Sheva instantly calls for 240,000. Wettstein shows Spade 9Club 9 and busts, Dirlewanger has the Spade AHeart 8 and Sheva wins it all with the Diamond AHeart Q to dent the big stack of Dirlewanger.

Milad Sheva – 850,000 (71 bb)
Leandro Dirlewanger – 530,000 (44 bb)
Erkan Karakas – 250,000 (21 bb)
Philippe Wettstein – Eliminated

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