Jonathan Speckle Doubles Thru Anastasios Oustampasidis

Sep 7, 2024

Jonathan Speckle three-bet jams for 102,000 and Anastasios Oustampasidis as the initial raiser calls.

Jonathan Speckle: Spade 8Heart 8
Anastasios Oustampasidis: Spade AClub K

Speckle only sees the king but the Spade KDiamond 8Diamond 6Diamond 3Diamond 4 board provides his set for the double.

Jonathan Speckle – 229,000 (23 bb)
Anastasios Oustampasidis – 276,000 (27 bb)

David Eggenberger is less fortunate in his last showdown, as he departs to reduce the field to the last 67 hopefuls.

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