Tariq Ullah vs David Aemmer

Sep 7, 2024

Tariq Ullah raises from under the gun and fellow bigger stack David Aemmer calls, which leads them to the Diamond ASpade 4Club 4. Ullah checks and Aemmer bets 7,000 only to get check-raised to 17,000.

“Are you really that strong? Four?” Aemmer asks and then folds. Ullah shows the Heart Q first followed by the Heart Q.

One hand later, Paul-Adrian Covaciu raises to 8,000 and folds when Marvin Rettenmaier jams the small blind.

David Aemmer – 250,000 (63 bb)
Tariq Ullah – 220,000 (55 bb)
Paul-Adrian Covaciu – 220,000 (55 bb)
Marvin Rettenmaier – 60,000 (15 bb)

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