Tobias Badrutt-Ammann Doubles Thru Mahmut Kasikcier

Sep 7, 2024

Mahmut Kasikcier raises under the gun to 7,500, Tobias Badrutt-Ammann moves all in from the button for 34,500, and Kasikcier calls with Spade KHeart Q.

Badrutt-Ammann turns over Spade ASpade Q, and needs it to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Spade 10Heart 10Diamond 2Diamond 8Heart 3, and Badrutt-Ammann wins the pot with his ace to double up in chips.

Tobias Badrutt-Ammann  –  76,500  (26 bb)
Mahmut Kasikcier  –  250,000  (83 bb)

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