Gilles Nigro Busts David Aemmer

Sep 7, 2024

In a four-way three-bet pot with 1,700 each to the Heart JSpade 10Spade 2 flop, David Aemmer bets 4,200 when checked to and Sascha Messmer calls. The fourth player in the hand folds and Gilles Nigro then check-raises to 17,500. Aemmer pushes all-in, Messmer folds and Nigro calls.

David Aemmer: Club KSpade K
Gilles Nigro: Diamond JHeart 10

The Spade Q turn is a huge sweat but the Spade J river only improves Nigro to a full house.

Gilles Nigro – 107,000 (535 bb)
Sascha Messmer – 34,000 (170 bb)

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