Eemil Tuominen Doubles Thru Anca Eggenberger

Sep 5, 2024

Eemil Tuominen raises t0 8,000 and Andreas Fröhli in the cutoff eyeballs his stack before folding. Anca Eggenberger then clicks it up to 21,000 on the button, the blinds fold and Tuominen jams to get called.

Eemil Tuominen: Diamond KHeart K
Anca Eggenberger: Club AHeart Q

“Nice hand,” Eggenberger says and the Finn replies “thank you, I have been waiting for it” as Tuominen holds on the Diamond 10Spade 9Diamond 4Spade 2Diamond J runout. He doubles for 43,500 to put a small dent into Eggenberger’s stack.

Eemil Tuominen – 97,000 (24 bb)
Anca Eggenberger – 160,000 (40 bb)

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