Leon Louis Eliminated by Paolo Compagno

Feb 20, 2013

Leon Louis
Paolo Compagno has just dumped Leon Louis out of the competition. We catch the action at the death knell. The board is showing [Jd] [5d] [3h][Ah] [Td] and there are three players involved in the hand. Paolo Compagno checks, Niki Kovacs bets 1,100 and Leon Louis moves all-in for 11,250. The action is now on Compagno – who is the meat in the sandwich – and he decides to call. Kovacs gesticulates wildly before folding what he says is [Ks] [Qs], for the straight. Louis shows pocket tens for the rivered set and Compagno shows [Kh] [Qh] for the straight.

Louis’ face is an absolute picture.

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