Hand #114 -116 - Aleks Apryan Doubles via Tudor Purice

Aug 26, 2024

Hand #114 – Tudor Purice opens to 700,000 from the button with Spade QHeart 6, but gets no action.

Hand #115 – Tudor Purice opens to 600,000 from the cutoff with Club QClub 6 and Yurii Senchylo defends his big blind with Diamond JDiamond 10.

On the Spade 9Heart 3Diamond 2 flop, Senchylo check-folds versus a bet of 2,000,000 from Purice.

Hand #116 – action folds to Aleks Apryan in the small blind who moves all in for 850,000, and is looked up by Tudor Purice in the big blind.

Aleks Apryan: Spade ADiamond 10
Tudor Purice: Spade QHeart 6

Apryan is ahead with ace-high and his double-up is confirmed by the Spade 10Diamond 6Spade 3Heart 4 runout.

Aleks Apryan – 2,000,000 (6 bb)
Tudor Purice – 27,500,000 (91 bb)

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