Hands #42-43 - Queens Good For Purice

Aug 26, 2024

Hand #42 – Yurii Senchylo opens to 400,000 in the hijack with Diamond 10Spade 10 and is faced with a three-bet to 1,100,000 by Aleks Apryan in the cutoff with Spade JClub J.

Action folds back to Senchylo, who folds.

Hand #43 – Tudor Purice opens to 450,000 in the cutoff with Diamond QHeart Q and Aleks Denishev three-bets to 1,325,000 from the small blind with Diamond 8Spade 8.

Action back to Purice, who calls.

On the Club 9Diamond 5Spade 2 flop, Denishev leads out with a bet of 600,000. Purice just calls.

The Diamond K rolls off on the turn, and Denishev checks. Purice checks back.

The Diamond 3 river was also checked through.

Tudor Purice – 11,300,000 (56 bb)
Aleks Denishev – 4,100,000 (20 bb)

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