Hands #36-37 - Senchylo Gets Paid with Rivered Straight

Aug 26, 2024

Hand #36 – Yurii Senchylo opens to 300,000 from early position with Heart QHeart 6 and Ioan Abrudan defends his big blind with Heart AClub 8.

The Diamond 8Diamond 7Heart 3 flop is checked through. On the Spade 9 turn, Abrudan leads out with a bet of 375,000. Senchylo calls.

The Club 5 rolls off on the river, to give Senchylo the nine-high straight, and Abrudan check-calls versus a bet of 1,075,000. 

Ioan Abrudan – 825,000 (5 bb)
Yurii Senchylo – 14,200,000 (94 bb)

Hand #37 – Yurii Senchylo opens to 300,000 under the gun and Emile Abi-Daher defends his big blind.

The Spade AClub 4Heart 4 flop is checked through. On the Spade K turn, Abi-Daher check-folds versus a bet of 400,000 from Senchylo.

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