Turn Check-Raise Gets Job Done for Eduard Bagrov

Aug 25, 2024

Eduard BagrovPhotoEduard Bagrov

Aleksandr Denishev opens to 90,000 from early position and gets called by Ilyas Unlu in the cutoff, and Eduard Bagrov and Mate Bacs in the blinds.

The Spade KSpade QClub 2 flop is checked through by all players.

On the Heart 5 turn, action is checked to Denishev, who slides out a bet of 130,000. Unlu calls, but Bagrov reaches for chips and produces a check-raise to 400,000, leading to folds from all of his opponents after varying periods of thought.

Eduard Bagrov – 1,715,000 (42 bb)
Aleksandr Denishev – 2,750,000 (68 bb)
Ilyas Unlu – 1,450,000 (36 bb)
Mate Bacs – 500,000 (12 bb)   

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