Gokhan Zaloglu Spikes Turn to Bust Artem Arakelian

Aug 25, 2024

Daniil Shalaev opens to 40,000 from early position, only to be faced with a three-bet jam to 345,000 by Artem Arakelian in middle position. Gokhan Zaloglu is in the next seat and he four-bet jams for 365,000, forcing Shalaev out.

Atrem Arakelian: Heart JClub J
Gokhan Zaloglu: Heart AClub K

Arakelian is ahead in a race, and remains so after the Heart 10Diamond 7Heart 2 flop. However the Club A rolls off on the turn to put Zaloglu in front, and the Diamond 8 river confirms Arakelian’s exit.

Gokhan Zaloglu – 800,000 (40 bb)
Artem Arakelian – eliminated   

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