Senchylo Zuev Claims Double Knockout

Aug 25, 2024

Senchylo ZuevPhotoSenchylo Zuev

Hasan Gucluer opens to 107,000 under the gun, leaving himself only 10,000 behind. Action folds to Serdar Akardere in the small blind, who moves all in for 48,000. Day 2 chip leader Senchylo Zuev is in the big blind, and he rejams. Gucluer puts the remainder of his stack in the middle, to create a three-way all-in spot.

Serdar Akardere: Diamond ADiamond K
Hasan Gucluer: Spade 7Heart 7
Senchlyo Zuev: Spade AHeart 10

Gucluer is ahead, but that doesn’t last long after the Heart JDiamond 10Club 4 flop puts Zuev in front with a pair of tens.

The Diamond 6Heart 9 turn and river do not alter matters and Zuev claims a double knockout and increases his impressive stack.

Senchlyo Zuev – 1,363,000 (136 bb)
Hasan Gucluer – eliminated
Serdar Akardere – eliminated

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