Serdar Akardere Gets Max Value

Aug 24, 2024

Serdar AkarderePhoto: Serdar Akardere

Evgeniya Lozovaya opens to 1,200 from middle position and is faced with a three-bet to 3,500 by Serdar Akardere in the cutoff. Elena Litviniuk cold-calls the three-bet on the button, and Lozovaya also calls.

On the Diamond KDiamond QDiamond 4 flop, action is checked to Akardere, who slides out a bet of 2,500. Litviniuk calls and Lozovaya folds.

The Club 2 turn is checked through by both players.

On the Heart 7 river, Akardere fires out a bet of 16,500 and Litviniuk quickly calls. Akardere shows Diamond ADiamond J for the flopped nut flush, and Litviniuk taps the table and mucks.

Serdar Akardere – 93,000 (186 bb)
Elena Litviniuk – 6,700 (13 bb)
Evgeniya Lozovaya – 54,000 (108 bb)    

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