Ilhan Alibeyoglu Bubbles Day 1B

Aug 23, 2024

Ilhan AlibeyogluPhoto: Ilhan Alibeyoglu

Short-stack Ilhan Alibeyoglu is the unfortunate player to bubble Day 1B.

Fabio Muhr opens to 20,000 and Alibeyoglu calls, leaving himself only 10,000 behind.

On the Diamond AClub QClub 6 flop, Muhr checks how much his opponent has behind, and slides out a bet of 15,000. Alibeyoglu moves his last 10,000 into the middle.

As the players wait to be permitted to reveal their hands, Muhr enquires “You have an ace?” and Alibeyoglu shrugs and asks “You?”. Muhr responds “I need to hit”.

The players are told to reveal their hands and Alibeyoglu turns over Spade AHeart 9 for a pair of aces, and true to his word, Muhr shows Heart JSpade 10 for a gutshot straight draw.

The Heart 10 turn gives Muhr a pair of tens for some extra outs, and, much to the delight of the watching crowd, the Club J rolls off on the river to give Muhr two pair, and send Alibeyoglu to the rail empty-handed on the bubble.    

Fabio Muhr – 854,000 (85 bb)
Ilhan Alibeyoglu – eliminated


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