Elad Shaar Spikes Turn to Bust Abdullah Akbarpoor

Aug 23, 2024

Elad ShaarPhoto: Elad Shaar

Cards are on their backs and stacks are in the middle, with Abdullah Akbarpoor all-in for around 200,000 and at risk versus Elad Shaar.

Abdullah Akbarpoor: Heart ASpade Q
Elad Shaar: Heart KClub K

Akbarpoor is in trouble versus Shaar’s pocket kings, and his opponent let out a yelp of pain after the Club ADiamond 5Diamond 2 flop put Akbarpoor in front with a pair of aces. However Shaar’s pain was short-lived, as the Spade K rolls off on the turn to give Shaar a set of kings, and leave Akbarpoor drawing dead. The Club Q completes the board.

Elad Shaar – 490,000 (49 bb)
Abdullah Akbarpoor – eliminated

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