Claude Bedran Takes From Salavat Shafigullin

Aug 23, 2024

Claude Bedran

Salavat Shafigullin raises to 7,000 from under the gun and gets called by Claude Bedran to his immediate left.

On the Club 8Spade 7Heart 3 flop, the players check to the Spade Q turn, at which point Bedran bets 12,000 following a check from Shafigullin.

The dinner break chip leader calls to see the Heart 2 fall on the river and checks again. Bedran now puts out a single T-25,000 chip which Shafigullin calls.

Bedran shows Heart 7Diamond 7 for a flopped set of sevens and the winner as Shafigullin shows his Diamond KHeart Q with dismay before firing his cards into the muck.

Claude Bedran – 120,000 (48 bb)
Salavat Shafigullin – 525,000 (170 bb)

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