Elena Litviniuk Gets Paid

Aug 23, 2024

Elena LitviniukPhotoElena Litviniuk

Elena Litviniuk opens to 800 from early position and is called by Abdullah Deniz in the next seat and Maroun Dagher in the small blind.

The Spade KSpade 8Heart 8 flop is checked through. On the Spade 5 turn, Dagher checks, Litviniuk slides out a bet of 1,000, and only Deniz calls.

The Diamond 5 river completes the board. Litviniuk fires out a bet of 5,000 and Deniz quickly calls. 

Litviniuk shows Heart 6Heart 5 for the full house, while Deniz has Diamond 10Spade 10 for two pair, tens and eights.

Elena Litviniuk – 58,000 (193 bb)
Abdullah Deniz – 22,000 (73 bb)
Maroun Dagher – 32,500 (108 bb)

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