Cristian Mihu Eliminated in 9th Place ($23,911)

Feb 23, 2013

Cristian Mihu Marvin Rettenmaier opens to 50,000 from middle position and to his immediate left is Romanian Cristian Mihu. After a brief pause, Mihu moves all in and once the active players fold back around to Rettenmaier he quickly calls.

Mihu: [Qh][3h]
Rettenmaier: [Kd][Kh]

The [Jd][Th][8s] flop sees Rettenmaier’s mood change slightly as he thinks for a moment Mihu picked up a flush draw, but that is not the case. The [Js] turn puts some more distance between the pair and the [5c] is the final nail in Mihu’s coffin – he is eliminated.

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