Hand #64-66: Kosei Oguri Paid Well For The Boat

Aug 19, 2024

Hand #64: Small blind Yuya Arito opens 800,000, big blind Jereld Sam calls, Arito sends out 400,000 on the flop Spade JSpade 2Heart 3, and Sam calls again. On the turn Spade 9, Arito slows down, Sam bangs out 900,000 and wins the pot with Arito folding.

Hand #65: Yuya Arito limps in from the button. big blind Jun Li checks, they head to a flop Heart 2Heart 3Spade 5. Li leads out 400,000 that’s called by Arito. Li checks the turn Spade 3, Arito lays out 1,100,000, quick fold from Li.

Hand #66: From utg, massive chip leader Kosei Oguri min-raises and big blind Junya Yamaguchi defends. Both players check the flop Diamond AClub ASpade 6, Oguri hen bets 500,000 on the turn Heart 6, Yamaguchi check-calls. On the river Spade 4, Oguri fires a larger 3,000,000, Yamaguchi snap-calls then mucks to Oguri’s Spade ASpade 3 full house.

Kosei Oguri – 31,700,000 (79 bb)
Yuya Arito – 11,825,000 (29 bb)
Junya Yamaguchi – 3,700,000 (9 bb)
Jun Li – 6,500,000 (16 bb)
Jereld Sam – 9,250,000 (23 bb)

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