Hands #30-31: Kosei Oguri Gets River Value from Ka Shun Tsang

Aug 18, 2024

Kosei Oguri

Hand #30: Jun Li raises to 500,000 on the button and Wei Chun Cheng calls in the big blind. Cheng check-calls for 400,000 on the Spade ADiamond KSpade 10 flop and 1,000,000 on the Heart A turn. He checks the river and folds to a shove by Li.

Hand #31: Ka Shun Tsang opens to 500,000 from under the gun and short stack Tomoyuki Yoshimiya reluctantly folds, accidentally flipping over the Heart KClub J in the process. Kosei Oguri calls in the big blind and then check-calls for 500,000 on the Diamond JHeart 7Spade 4 flop.

They check the Spade 7 turn and Oguri leads the Heart J river for 2,000,000, Yoshimiya groans. Tsang quickly calls and mucks when he is shown Diamond 7Club 5 by Oguri.

Seat 1. Ka Shun Tsang – 4,850,000 (19 bb)
Seat 6. Jun Li – 9,050,000 (36 bb)
Seat 8. Wei Chun Cheng – 2,800,000 (11 bb)
Seat 9. Kosei Oguri – 10,950,000 (44 bb)


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