Tae Hoon Han Eliminated by Tung-Jung Wu

Aug 18, 2024

Photo: Tae Hoon Han

Following a raise by Tung-Jung Wu and a call by Masato Hattori, Tae Hoon Han jams an d he is called by Wu while Hattori gets out of the way.

Tae Hoon Han: Club 8Spade 8
Tung-Jung Wu: Club ADiamond A

The Diamond 10Spade 10Spade 2Heart 10Club J board brings no miracle for Han and Wu earns another big pot. Other players at the table inquire if it is his birthday.

Tung-Jung Wu – 9,600,000 (160 bb)
Tae Hoon Han – Eliminated in 29th Place (TWD 234,000 / ~$7,274)

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