Blain Not Budging off his Nines

Feb 21, 2013

Dermot Blain
(Photo: Blain and Ciorabai in action)

Peter Nagy opens to 1,600 in early position; Dermot Blain calls in the small blind and Ferdi Ciorabai three bets to 6,000 in the big. Nagy makes the fold but Blain wants action.

Flop: [7d] [4c] [3d]

Blain check-calls a 3,300 Ciorabai bet.

Turn: [Kd]

The same action ensues, this time for 5,800.

River: [6h]

Both player’s check and Blain is the first to turn over his cards. He shows a pair of nines and Ciorabai mucks his hand.

Blain ~ 65,000
Ciorabai ~ 34,000

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