Wasek Doubles Up Through Blain

Feb 21, 2013

Artur Wasek is the first player to act, he moves all in for the second hand in a row. Paul Berende is next to act and he looks like he is about to call but before he can pull the trigger Alexey Tkachenko asks how much Wasek’s all-in bet is for.

“That makes my decision easier,” says a laughing Berende and he folds.

Surprisingly, no sooner has Berende folded Tkachenko does exactly the same, putting the spotlight onto Dermot Blain.

“I’m all-in,”  says the Irishman.

Both blinds fold and the cards are revealed.

Wasek: [Td][9d]
Blain: [Ac][Kd]

Blain is in front with his Big Slick and he stays ahead on the [Qc][8d][5h] flop. However, he falls behind when the [Jd] completes a straight for Wasek. Blain needs a ten to improve to a higher straight, but it fails to materialise and Wasek doubles his 21,400 stack.

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