Takeya Naoto and Kazuo Yamamoto Trade Pots

Aug 15, 2024

Takeya Naoto Photo: Kazuo Yamamoto

With a three-bet to 19,000 pulled into the middle, the action checks to the Heart 8Club 6Diamond 6Heart KClub 3 river. Takeya Naoto check-calls for 19,000 against Kazuo Yamamoto and mucks when he is shown the Heart AClub A.

Naoto then raises to 5,000 and Yamamoto calls. They check the Diamond JDiamond 8Club 5 flop and Naoto bets the Heart 2 turn for 6,500, Yamamoto calls. Naoto check-calls the Spade 7 river for 15,000 and Yamamoto tables the Diamond ADiamond 10 for the missed nut flush draw, which Naoto beats holding the Diamond 9Heart 9.

Takeya Naoto – 230,000 (92 bb)
Kazuo Yamamoto – 185,000 (74 bb)

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