Hands #150-154: Heads-Up

Jun 10, 2024

HAND #150  –  Traian Stanciu limps for 800,000, and Priamo Carta checks his option in the big blind. The flop comes Spade QSpade 8Club 8, Carta bets about 1,200,000, and Stanciu quickly folds. Carta takes the pot.

HAND #151  –  Priamo Carta limps for 800,000, Traian Stanciu moves all in for 5,200,000, and Carta folds. Stanciu takes the pot.

Priamo Carta  –  32,300,000  (40 bb)
Traian Stanciu  –  6,800,000  (9 bb)

HAND #152  –  Traian Stanciu limps for 800,000, and Priamo Carta checks his option in the big blind. Both players check to the turn on a board of Heart KDiamond KSpade QClub 9, Carta bets 1,000,000, and Stanciu folds. Carta takes the pot.

HAND #153  –  Priamo Carta raises to 2,000,000, and Traian Stanciu folds.

HAND #154  –  Traian Stanciu moves all in for about 4,500,000, and Priamo Carta folds.

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