Hand #24: Kym Nguyen Eliminated in 7th Place (€19,000)

Jun 10, 2024

Kym Nguyen
Photo:  Kym Nguyen

HAND #24  –  Luigi Pignataro uses a Time Chip to tank for a while before he raises under the gun to 450,000, and Kym Nguyen moves all in from the hijack for 1,825,000. Traian Stanciu calls from the small blind, and Pignataro folds.

Nguyen turns over Diamond AHeart 8, and she needs to improve to stay alive against Stanciu’s Heart QDiamond Q.

The board comes Diamond KClub 9Diamond 8Spade 10Club 4, and Nguyen pairs her eight on the flop, but improves no further. Stanciu wins the pot with his pocket queens to eliminate Nguyen in seventh place.

Traian Stanciu  –  20,050,000  (100 bb)
Kym Nguyen  –  Eliminated in 7th Place  (€19,000)

Kym Nguyen
Photo:  Kym Nguyen

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