Hands #3-4: Vladas Burneikis Triples Up

Jun 9, 2024

Vladas Burneikis
Photo:  Vladas Burneikis

HAND #3  –  Kym Nguyen raises from the button to 600,000, showing Diamond 10Club 10 as she takes the blinds and ante.

HAND #4  –  Traian Stanciu raises UTG+1 to 300,000, Kym Nguyen calls from the cutoff, and Vladas Burneikis moves all in from the big blind for 600,000. Stanciu and Nguyen both call, and any further betting will create a side pot between them.

The flop comes Spade JSpade 9Spade 8, Stanciu checks, Nguyen bets 400,000, and Stanciu calls.

The turn card is the Spade 6, and both players check.

The river card is the Heart Q, and they check again. All three players turn over their cards:

Traian Stanciu:  Diamond QClub 10  (queen-high straight)
Kym Nguyen:  Heart AHeart 8  (pair of eights)
Vladas Burneikis:  Diamond KSpade 10  (spade flush)

Burneikis wins the main pot with his spade flush to triple up in chips, and Stanciu picks up the smaller side pot worth 800,000 with his straight.

Vladas Burneikis  –  2,175,000  (15 bb)
Traian Stanciu  –  10,200,000  (68 bb)
Kym Nguyen  –  4,150,000  (28 bb)

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