Claudio Di Giacomo Eliminated in 28th Place by Kym Nguyen (€5,534)

Jun 9, 2024

Claudio Di Giacomo
Photo: Claudio Di Giacomo

Claudio Di Giacomo puts the rest of his stack into the middle. Kym Nguyen calls, putting Di Giacomo at risk as the cards turn up.

Claudio Di Giacomo: Diamond AClub J
Kym Nguyen: Spade 7Club 7

The Heart 9Club 6Spade 4Diamond 5Diamond 7 board rolls out and misses Di Giacomo completely. Nguyen’s rivered set adds salt to the wound as she scoops in the pot to eliminate Di Giacomo.

Kym Nguyen – 2,650,000 (66 bb)
Claudio Di Giacomo – Eliminated in 28th Place (€5,534)

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