Power Poker By Ludovic Lacay

Mar 27, 2013

Ludovic Lacay

The action folds to Raffaele Castro on the button who opens for 3,600, Lauri Pesonen folds in the small blind and Ludovic Lacay three-bets to 8,600 in the big blind. Castro makes the call and the pair fly to the flop.

Flop: [Qh] [9h] [2s]

Lacay makes a 9,000 c-bet and Castro calls.

Turn: [7s]

Lacay makes it 17,000, Castro raises to 37,000 and Lacay responds by putting Castro all-in. It was a powerful move that drew a crowd around the table. Castro pondered for a few minutes and eventually mucked his hand.

Lacay ~ 320,000
Castro ~ 70,000

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