Hand #1: Money Bubble Bursts! Adrian Boon Chye Chua Eliminated by Bartosz Wojciech Wesolek

Jun 6, 2024

Adrian Boon Chye Chua
Photo:  Adrian Boon Chye Chua

In the first hand of hand-for-hand play on the Money Bubble, which is also the last hand of Level 16, Bartosz Wojciech Wesolek raises from the button to 20,000, Adrian Boon Chye Chua moves all in from the big blind for 50,000, and Wesolek calls with Diamond KDiamond 9.

Chua turns over Spade ADiamond 5, and needs it to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Club 10Club 9Spade 2Heart 5Club J — Wesolek pairs his nine on the flop, Chua pairs his five on the turn, and the river card is a blank. Wesolek wins the pot with his pair of nines to eliminate Chua on the Money Bubble in 12th place.

Bartosz Wojciech Wesolek  –  228,000  (23 bb)
Adrian Boon Chye Chua  –  Eliminated on the Money Bubble

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