Franck Yau Fails to Outrun Ilan Cohen

Jun 6, 2024

Franck Yau raises to 6,000 from the hijack, Ilan Cohen defends his big blind, and the dealer spreads Diamond 10Heart 9Heart 4 across the board.

Yau continues for 5,500 and Cohen calls to see the Diamond 3 turn. Cohen check-calls once more, matching the 22,500 bet by Yau.

The dealer fills in the board with a Diamond 5 river and Yau piles in the better part of his stack, betting 50,000.

Cohen snap-calls, showing Heart 5Spade 4 for two pair to best Yau’s Heart KHeart 10 thanks to a rivered nickel, leaving Yau with roughly 20,000.

Ilan Cohen – 205,000 (68 bb)
Franck Yau – 20,000 (7 bb)

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