Hand #59: David Dongwoo Ko Takes a Pot Worth 4.35 Million

May 22, 2024

Photo: David Dongwoo Ko

David Dongwoo Ko raises from the button to 300,000, Dan Stavila reraises from the small blind to 1,275,000, and Ko thinks for a while before he calls.

The flop comes Spade 7Spade 4Club 4, Stavila bets 750,000, and Ko calls.

The turn card is the Heart 9, and Stavila uses a Time Chip to tank for a while before he checks. Ko thinks for a while before he bets 1,800,000, and Stavila uses another Time Chip to tank for a while before he folds. Ko takes the pot worth 4.35 million.

David Dongwoo Ko – 10,400,000 (83 bb)
Dan Stavila – 9,950,000 (80 bb)

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